Life Style

10+ Housekeeping Mistakes That Harm Both Your Home And Health

Housekeeping is something that all of us do either daily, weekly, even hours. But there are mistakes while doing it that you without even realizing it. Read below to discover more than 10 mistakes in housekeeping that can affect your health and home in a bad way.

1. Using a broom instead of a vacuum cleaner

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When you are cleaning your house, the easiest way is not always the correct way. Using a broom to remove dirt and dust from the floor is not very effective, because the dust particles are too small, and the broom does not collect them instead it spreads them in the air and into your furniture.

So, you should use a vacuum cleaner or a mop to remove dust and dirt from your house. Even though they might take a longer time than the older broom method they are more effective.

2. Pouring grease and oil into the drain or toilet

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We all know that pouring hard items through the drain can make it clogged and leads to pipes problems, but what most of us do not know is that even smaller things can clog our pipes and of those things is grease.

Yes! When you are washing your dishes you can easily remove grease using warm water and dishwashing products but when the grease goes down the drain it will solidify when it gets cold and hence it will be stuck on the pipes and will release a bad odor.

3. Not using a humidifier

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Usually, when you move into a new house you worry about the house having a high humidity level, but nobody worries about the low humidity level.

High humidity can ruin the wallpaper in your house and make the floor damp, but it can only affect your house, on the other hand, the low humidity level is what you should worry about the most because it can affect your health, it can cause allergies and dry eyes, that is why you should always have a humidifier in your house.

4. Washing the toilet and sinks without gloves

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All of us want a clean house, that is why we try and find the most effective products that will remove all the bacteria from our home and especially from our toilet. Those cleaner products are very harmful to our skin. So that, you need to wear gloves when handling them.

5. Planting big trees near the house

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If you are a nature lover and you want to have a beautiful garden near your house, you should know that having trees too close to your house can lead to your house destruction.

How do you ask? Well, the constant watering can affect the facing of the house and the roots of the tree can cause damage to the house’s foundation, that is why you should plant the trees at least 20 feet away from your house.

6. Keeping windows constantly open

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Sun rays are very important, they can kill various types of bacteria, and just seeing the sun rays through the window in the morning makes you in a very good mood. But too much sun rays can have a negative effect because as you all know, sun rays can cause skin photoaging and it makes furniture lose its beautiful color.

7. Washing the carpet too often

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Trying to have a clean house is a good thing but going overboard in cleaning can have negative effects. For example, carpets should not be cleaned with water too much especially if it was not an expensive carpet, it will start to lose its color and glue and it will look cheap over time.

8. Keeping the door of the washing machine closed

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Did you ever open the washing machine door and smelled a bad odor? That odor comes from the high level of humidity inside the washing machine and all the bacteria that have developed inside because the door stayed close after the washing machine cycle was over, it is recommended to leave the washing machine door open when you are not using it for the water to dry properly.

9. Using hydrogen peroxide that was stored incorrectly

Hydrogen peroxide is used in so many homemade cleaning products, but have you ever tried one of those recipes and it did not work?

If this was ever the case, then the reason is probably that your hydrogen peroxide was not stored properly. Hydrogen peroxide is to be stored in strictly dark well-cooled areas and in an opaque container.

10. Too many plants in the bedroom

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If you are a plant lover and you want to decorate your house with plants and flowers, try not to put too many plants in your bedroom because it can harm your health, can give you headaches, and affect your sleep.

11. An abundance of souvenirs at home

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When you travel you always want to buy souvenirs to put in your house, but you should put in mind that those souvenirs attract a lot of dust and dirt and once it’s time to clean the house you will have to do the cleaning twice as hard because you will have all those small figurines and items to clean.

In this article, we showed some bad things that you can make when you are doing your house chores and how to avoid them. Do not forget to share this article with your friends and family.

Smart Mindset
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