Moral Story

My Mother-In-Law Got A Kitten At 77

Am I The Only One Who Thinks This Is A Terrible Idea?

I’m so frustrated! My 77-year-old mother-in-law just got a kitten, and I honestly think it’s a terrible decision. She’s living alone, her health isn’t great, and now she’s taken on the responsibility of a pet that needs constant attention. Does she really believe she can handle this?

Let’s face it — kittens are a lot of work. They need feeding, playtime, and vet visits and they can be a total handful. What happens when she gets too tired or her health declines? I already know how this will end: SHE’LL GET ATTACHED, AND I’LL BE THE ONE LEFT DEALING WITH IT!

My MotherInLaw Got A Kitten At 77

I even suggested a fish or something easier, but she waved me off, saying the kitten is her “new companion” and will “keep her active.” Active? Who’s going to chase after it when it’s climbing curtains? Certainly not her!

It feels like a disaster waiting to happen, but no one else seems to see it. Am I overreacting, or is this bound to end badly?

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