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The Best Ways To Remove Greasy From Wooden Cabinets

Your first line of defense against grease? We’ve rounded up some of our favorite tried-and-true methods for cleaning your greasy kitchen, one cabinet at a time.

1. Soap and Water

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Most greasy areas will only need one thing: warm, soapy water. (After all, dish soap was designed to cut through grease!) First, soften the grease on the cabinets with a sponge that’s damp with warm water, then clean with a soap-and-water-soaked sponge, toothbrush, or small scrub brush. To avoid leftover residue (which could attract more grime), finish by drying with a dishtowel.

2. Baking Soda

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For older or more stubborn stains, grab some baking soda and a scrub brush. After wetting your brush with warm water, add a little baking soda, then scrub away on the cabinets. Follow with a damp, warm cloth to remove the residue. Not only will the baking soda cut through the grease, but it’s also non-abrasive, so it won’t harm your wooden cabinets.

3. Distilled White Vinegar

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Heavy grease stains also respond well to vinegar, another trusted kitchen cleaner. Because white vinegar contains natural acids, it’ll break down the grease without leaving residue behind. Here’s how to use it: First, take a washcloth or paper towel and soak it in undiluted vinegar. Wipe down the greasy section on your cabinet, and let the vinegar do its work for 10 or 15 minutes. When your timer goes off, loosen the grease by taking a damp sponge to the surface, then take a water-soaked washcloth and wipe down the buildup.

4. Homemade citrus-based multipurpose cleaner

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A natural degreaser, citrus oil can be just the thing you need to cut through layers of tough grime. You can make your own citrusy cleaning solution in just a few steps: Fill a canning jar three-quarters full of citrus peels and top it off with white vinegar. The mixture needs to steep for two to three weeks, but once it’s done, just strain out the peels and pour the remaining liquid into a spray bottle.

How to clean greasy wooden cabinets with citrus cleaner:

  1. Spray multipurpose cleaner containing citrus oil onto the kitchen cabinets and let it sit for a few minutes.
  2. Next, use a sponge or microfiber cloth dampened with warm water to gently remove the grease.
  3. To finish, wipe off any lingering cleaner with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly.

5. Homemade Castile Soap Spray

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Fill a 32-ounce spray bottle with a cup of white vinegar, a few drops of liquid soap, a tablespoon of baking soda, and if you’re into fragrance, a few drops of lavender or lemon essential oil. Then fill the remainder of the bottle with warm water, up to the neck. Shake the bottle and then spray and wipe as you work.

6. Magic Cabinet & Wood Cleaner

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Store-bought cleaners aren’t out of the question — even if you have painted cabinets. We like this spray-bottle formula, which is thicker than other products, for cleaning cabinet crevices, like hardware edges or the details of your cabinet faces. Simply spray and wipe all cabinet surfaces, including the inside.

7. Murphy’s Oil Soap

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For a clean that’s equally cost-effective and stain-effective, we fell in love with Murphy’s Oil Soap, which has been a cleaning mainstay for more than a century. Not only does it cut through grease better than other cleaning products, but it also leaves a silky-smooth finish on cabinet surfaces. If you go this route and have painted cabinets, pay attention to the formula you choose.

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